In the last GM Nostalgia I went back in time yet again to show you the very first castle map I ever made. This week I give you the ground floor map of Castle Eversteel, that was also drawn up back in the 90’s. Unfortunately like the previous castle map, I cannot find the room content list for this castle. So you will have to use your imagination for the stuffings of the rooms 😉
I am afraid I do not remember much about creating this castle either, but I like the design of the three towers in the middle, patting myself on the back for that. I have two more upper floors as well as a brainmelt of a prison dungeon. The prison dungeon could be fun to hand out just to see the players faint in despair.
I am not sure I ever used the map, but I did have a fondness for creating dungeon/castle maps even if I never needed them for a period. I just enjoyed drawing maps and inventing new stuff. Back then I did everything by hand which has it’s own satisfaction and it’s never quite the same on the computer.
Some years ago I bought a big A3 papersized sketch book with the notion of using it as my dungeon book, this is where I would draw all my dungeons and in the end I would have them all collected in a book! I think I shall get back to that later on in the series and show you how that went 🙂
How would you use this Castle?
Castle Eversteel

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